DOGGY DAO Results - Pair Vote Week of Feb 18th - Feb 25th

DOGGY DAO Update 2.27.2022: All Transactions have been successfully executed for the Top 30, and most voted pairs. As a friendly reminder for those wanting to enter into the rewards for Woofable Pairs, you are still required to stake your SSLP. Adding just liquidity won't provide $BONE rewards.
All Pairs can be seen at:
Notice: Pair MANA-WETH is finalizing processing and will be available in the next 24 hours.
The following are the acknowledged Final 'Closed' Results for Top 30 Pairs Voted by the community.
The tallied results are now undergoing a review process and will begin onboarding ShibaSwap's Woofable Pair allocation rewards.
A total of 2,303 votes were counted by the autonomous platform.

Snapshop of the Results:
Snapshot TX Timestamp:
- The number of active votes calculated on the DAO's voting portal (ShibaSwap) was capped at 1,000. This was just a visual bug on the ShibaSwap's website as it only counted to 1,000. The entire voting was still being calculated on the snapshot.
First Round Notice:
During the first round, and launch of DOGGY DAO, a few problems with the DAO page were encountered.
For transparency purposes here's additional information:
- The number of active votes calculated on the DAO's voting portal was capped at 1,000.
- This does not mean votes were not being tracked, which is why we distributed a snapshot upon its inception. Votes were still being tracked on the backend.
- This issue will be resolved in the upcoming 'Open' Proposal Weeks ahead.
- Furthermore, after launching, we also discovered that new community members who staked Bone ($tBbone) were not able to join in and participate during the voting process. This as well will be resolved in future voting acknowledgments.
At this time our BETA DAO 1, provided a good opportunity to relay feedback to the development team. We sincerely apologize for any confusion in regards to this acknowledgment and invite you to join us in the upcoming round of pairs, in which we are sure to see many more participation efforts and a higher degree of collected votes affecting final results.